The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

David Robinson and Louise Neff met at Penn State in 1943-he was in Chemical Engineering and she in Music Ed. They married in 1945, and after a summer in Washington, DC, where David was working in the U.S. Naval Research Lab, they moved to Philadelphia, David enrolling in medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. From there they went to Geisinger Hospital for Internship, then a Fellowship at the Mayo Clinic followed by two years on the Mayo Staff, and lastly to Syracuse, New York where David became Professor of Psychiatry at the State University of New York Medical Center. They had five children. One of the five, David Dana, graduated from Penn State in 1974, Art Ed. Both Louise and David sang for many years in church choirs, chorales, and musical shows. In 1980 they helped to found the Skaneateles Chamber Music Festival. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the festival. Concerts are scheduled in the Skaneateles Presbyterian Church, and if the weather permits, Saturday night concerts are outdoors at the Robinson's lakeside home. David died in July, 2006, 82 years of age. Louise still lives at their Skaneateles home, Brook Farm, and three daughters and their families live nearby. Another daughter lives in Vermont, and their son is in Seattle. So, you can see that Penn State was the venue that caused all this to happen!